“Tinikling & b-boy”
This public art piece is a collaboration between YYC BUMP 2021 and FilipinX Kasaganaan Artist Collective. You can check out the mural in Downtown Calgary, at 211a 12th ave SW.
Gladzy Kei, Allan Rosales & Von Zuniga

This mural highlights the importance of dance in FilipinX culture through the ages. The FilipinX dancer on the right is doing a traditional dance called the “Tinikling”, mimicking a bird’s speed and grace as it navigates bamboo poles. The bird behind the woman is known as “Tikling” which is what inspired the traditional dance.⠀
Meanwhile, the Filipinx dancer on the left has fully embraced modern urban culture and they are breakdancing over a hip-hop beat. ⠀
In between the two main characters, we have the Baybayin symbol "Ka" which means "connection" that symbolizes the harmony among traditional and modern FilipinX generations.⠀
The rest of the mural tells the story of the journey from the Philippines over the Pacific ocean, above the Rocky Mountains, and finding a home in Moh-kins-tsis/Calgary.